Improvement Projects

Due to continuous revolution into the technology & upgradation in Environmental Laws, its become mandatory to be upgraded with the latest technology to match with latest prescribed Environmental Parameters. We provide expertise in the field of waste management, cleaner production, rainwater harvesting, green audit, ETP operation and maintenance, Zero Liquid discharge, Feasibility & Treatability Study. Benefit: Increase in efficiency level & Productivity improvement in the operation.


Waste Management

Aryan Ecogreens Pvt. Ltd. ' instruments and methods undergo extensive Proficiency Testing and va...

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Cleaner Production

Cleaner production is a preventive, company-specific environmental protection initiative. It is inte...

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Rain water harvesting

Water is going to be biggest challenge in coming years so Aryan Greens has taken the responsibility ...

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Green Audit

Green audit is a general term that can reflect various types of evaluations intended to identify env...

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Troubleshooting of STP/ETP/WTP

Our Team of Experts assists in performance improvement of Effluent Treatment Plants. It includes, â...

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ETP operation & Maintenance

Effluent is defined as Treated or Untreated Waste water that flows out of a treatment plant, sewage,...

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Zero Liquid Discharge

Our wastewater treatability studies and ZLD feasibility services include the following aspects: 1. ...

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Feasibility & Treatability Study

Treatability studies are useful in the wastewater treatment process to help determine how wastewater...

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Soil Analysis

Soil Analysis...

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Hazardous Waste Analysis

Hazardous Waste Analysis...

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