
Zero Liquid Discharge

Our wastewater treatability studies and ZLD feasibility services include the following aspects: 1. Characterization of wastewater streams – flows, chemical and biological characteristics, loading pattern etc 2. Review on the biological treatability characteristics of the individual streams – establishing bench scale treatability studies 3. Assessment of toxicity of the wastewater streams and their impact on the overall efficiency of the ETP 4. Establishing shock-load characteristics of the plant 5. Explore opportunities to reduce pollutant load (organic and inorganic) on the ETP 6. Opportunities to segregate the wastewater streams 7. Performance assessment of individual process units – Modeling of response of the individual units for varying pollutant loads and types 8. Establishing the carrying capacity of the individual treatment units 9. Establishing the ecology of the aerobic and anaerobic systems and suggesting a most efficient biological system 10. Opportunities to improve the performance of the ETP based on the best engineering and biological principles 11. Opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of ETP 12. Opportunities to combat shock loads and improve the performance of ETP’s during process upsets 13. Application of bio-augmentation products to improve the performance of the ETP during extreme upset conditions 14. Opportunities to stabilize and reduce the biological sludge rejected from the ETP 15. Suggesting an upgraded ETP operating program – Maintenance and monitoring programs 16. Suggesting an upgrade scheme and cost benefit analysis – Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Objectives (ROO) 17. Suggesting a suitable Zero Liquid Discharge scheme with RO and MEE (Multiple Effect Evaporator) treatment units 18. Conceptual design of complete ZLD system with assured benefits 19. Developing a preliminary engineering plans 20. Developing a detailed techno economic feasibility report